Latest news in air travel for wheelchair users:

After agreements with the US DoT, United Airlines announced a new filter that will tell wheelchair users whether their wheelchair will fit the aircraft’s hold depending on their travel route. This tool aims to reduce people having to call to ask if their chair will fit and prevent wheelchair users from turning up to the airport and being told it doesn’t fit.

Air4All unveils a realistic timeline to see the first wheelchair spot on a commercial flight that could be available by the first quarter of 2025. Air4All has submitted for certification (the first ever for a wheelchair spot on a plane) and now eagerly awaits a response from the FAA.

All Wheels Up conference in Washington DC occurred at the end of September 2023. Bringing together the US Department of Transport, Senator Tammy Duckworth, the FAA, aircraft manufacturers, airlines, wheelchair manufacturers, DPO’s, the Rights on Flights cohort, and wheelchair user advocates. A fantastic conference and clear commitment from all in the room that improvements for wheelchair air travel are coming and fast (in aviation terms).

The Rights on Flights team includes Sophie Morgan, Roberto Castiglioni, Josh Wintersgill and Chris Wood, who unveiled the Assisted Air Travel Act at the Houses of Parliament in September 2023. Which brought Lords, Ministers, MP’s, US Department of Transport, Aviation Industry stakeholders such as IATA, UK CAA, to UK airlines, Service Providers, wheelchair manufacturers, aircraft interior designers and the disabled community.

Watch this space for some thought leadership articles coming up in the coming weeks and months.