[divider width=”237px” color=”rgb(244, 120, 32)”] [/col] [/row] [row width=”full-width”] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″] [featured_box img=”387″ pos=”center” icon_color=”rgb(244, 120, 32)”]TRANSFERRING EQUIPMENT
Out of the main 34 commercial airports in the United Kingdom, only 15 have transferring equipment in place. In Spain, it is only 2 of 23 commercial airports.
If you travel around Europe, you will notice the server lack of airports equipped with the appropriate transferring equipment too and find yourself being lifted under the arms and legs.
[/featured_box] [/col] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″] [featured_box img=”393″ pos=”center” icon_color=”rgb(244, 120, 32)”]LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION
We know, if you have flown to a foreign country, communicating in a different language is a significant challenge. Let alone trying to explain how you like to be lifted without transferring equipment.
You will also have had it where special assistance are in such of rush, they lift you when you are not prepared and hurt you.
[/featured_box] [/col] [col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″] [featured_box img=”387″ pos=”center” icon_color=”rgb(244, 120, 32)”]TIME
With so much to worry about before boarding the aircraft, you need to:
- Get yourself prepped for the transfer
- Dismantle your wheelchair so it can go in the hold
- If special assistance have transferring equipment, they will need to get the sling or hoist which involves moving you around which takes time, and can not always be dignified.
- You need to make sure you have got all your hand luggage with you too.
When transferring equipment is not available, language barriers are broken and time is short, your safety during transfers becomes a significant risk.
Currently, there is no formal equipment in place to transfer you off the aircraft in an emergency – you are vastly as risk, the airline industry has been ignoring it all this time.
[/featured_box] [/col] [col span=”6″ span__sm=”12″] [featured_box img=”394″ pos=”center” icon_color=”rgb(244, 120, 32)”]DISCOMFORT
Being manually lifted without appropriate equipment can cause huge amounts of stress and anxiety, and in some cases puts people from travelling by air completely.
Being manually lifted can cause major disruption to a persons body, leaving them in huge amounts of discomfort for days, sometimes weeks after being lifted. This can ruin your holiday before it has even begun, or indeed ruin your holiday, if it happens on your return flight.
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Able Move removes these barriers. Buy yours now or view in detail the greater benefits that Able Move provides!
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